That month just flew by. Now we are in the final days of 2015, only a few days left of this old and worn year. After my last post, I got even more busy. Loads of work, and then there were markets. I am very happy with how all these turned out.
I just find it so satisfying to sell jewelry people want to wear, and even want to give as gifts for someone they love. To meet those that buy. I had a very young boy looking for something for his mother. Aww.. yeah. And an elderly couple wanting to give something to their new daughter in law. One woman just wanted something for herself. The necklace she bought looked stunning on her. It was like I had made it just for her, even though I did not know her at the time. Another woman just could not walk away from a pair of flashy swarovski earrings. Standing there, even in the cold, I felt so blessed.

And then Christmas came. And today the snow fell. Finally. The weather reports say that it will not stay long for now, but I am sure it will be back. On new year’s eve we will have gained 8 more minutes of daylight, only a week or so after solstice. From now on I will be able to see the difference every morning when I drive to work. I have already started planning my vegetable garden.
According to tradition, one needs to have seven different cookies baked for christmas. I never did that, even when I prepared for more people than now. At most I only baked two. It needs to be eaten as well you know… These days, there is only one. But for that one I have made the dough two times already, as we had managed to eat the first batch before christmas eve. I have not found the correct english name for this cookie. Suggestions are welcome. The norwegian name is “Krumkake” – which directly translates to “curvature cookie.” It does not sound like a name for a cookie….
Best wishes for the new year to all readers. The unused year hold so much promise still.