It feels good to no longer be a novice at craft shows. Now I can say I have been there and done that. I didn`t sell all that much, the venue and customer group was a bit off for my kind of products. What I gained in experience though was invaluable. I talked a lot with many friendly people, and the show was very well visited. There was a trickle of people all the time during both days. I want to try it out next year, and see if I can do better. Across from my stand I had a lovely lady who sold candles. Norwegians use candles a lot, especially during those dark winter months. To the left I had a lady who sold baby slippers of sheep wool, and other products in that category. She also sold Pinnekjøtt, which I of course promptly bought. It is my favourite christmas eve dinner along with Beer and Akvavit.
I brought with me some copper wire, and got to work a bit. Although sales were down, many visited my booth. Next year I need to make something affordable for those little girls who drags their parents to my booth, attracted by the sparkle. Something that is not just rubbish, but simple enough that they can afford it. Something fun! I need to ponder that.