Learning the amazing art of nuno felting
I need a new hobby as much as I need a round of Covid, that is – not at all. I am struggling with
I need a new hobby as much as I need a round of Covid, that is – not at all. I am struggling with
My stash of these was getting low, so I had to set aside time to create more. There are several steps to make these,
I have had these drop cream pearls in my stash for so long, it has been years. I really have not figured out what
In my country, you are not allowed to mark anything as sterling silver without a hallmark as well. I do not know what the regulations
At the moment, my vacation consists of this:
Where I am hovering over even more tiny things I can hardly see, thus the magnifier there.
With the celebrations for 17th of May over and done with, I think I can assume spring is here. I have experienced snow walking the