It’s amazing how time flies. I wrote my previous post only a second ago. Or so it feels. Since then, the summer has come – with sun and warmth. So much in fact that we had a fire in the forest near where I live. The driveway to the garage I use was full of fire trucks and large fire hoses. I had to park my car somewhere else, and walk back. It was the size of a football field that was burning. The firefighters got control of it, bless them all. Check out the video in the link above, you will see some of my beloved city.
It is so warm, I have had to ditch my duvet and replace it with a mere blanket, which is unusual. I am addicted to the duvet, and it is quite necessary too since I like it rather cold in the place I sleep. This time of year, that is almost impossible to achieve. My nordic blood can endure more cold weather than warm , and I start to complain if the thermometer shows more than 74 fahrenheit. I know. I’m a wimp. There has been a lot of complaining lately.
Not so much so when I venture out in the garden.
I have collected some mint leaves already, and hung them up to dry. I love the mint tea during winter.
And then there is the Peon. I have waited for this moment for 2 years now. Last year it did not produce any buds, since I had planted it too deep. This year I will be rewarded for my patience. I can’t wait.