Being a multicrafter, interested in all things crafty – I also love the tools that enables me to do stuff. Whether that is something I made myself because I saw the need, or whether it is something handmade I bought from others. And alas, not every tool can be handmade – some is certainly industrial. Like my newly bought Rexel classic cut CL120 guillotine.
I bought it from a norwegian online store, and I was so certain of my purchase that I threw away all that stuff it came in. If you are not familiar with the EU regulations, I have a 14 day window to change my mind about a purchase I have made online – but I need to send it back in it’s original packaging.
So, what is the problem with this rather expensive piece of equipment? The blade is dull, and will not cut through a simple 80gsm A4 paper cleanly. Nor will it cut through 10 of the same, which it should according to the manufacturer. It also states it comes with a self-sharpening stainless steel blade. Does this look like a sharp blade to you?

The blade is rather long, and it seems some parts of it are sharp, and other parts of it are not. I bought the A3 size, and I need the whole length of it to be sharp, not just some random spots.

So what do I do? Now I have this useless piece of equipment, and no way of returning it since I threw the packaging away. I have sent a message to the online store asking for more information. Tomorrow I need to contact Rexel here in my country, hoping that they can help me out. Hopefully there is something I have not understood about how this blade is supposed to work, and a short call will rectify it. Today I live in the hope at least that I have not tossed away money. Usually a search on the net will give me some answers, but since I have not found anything there might just be some misunderstanding on my part. Or I got the monday product.
I can always use one of those sharpening stones on the thing, if all else fails.
Update: The answer from the online store was not helpful at all. Instead I got hold of a seller from Rexel who was of great help. After he told me how the self-sharpening works, I tried it one more time – this time using more force and pulling the handle towards the platform. And it worked! I can now cut through 10 80gsm copy paper.
There is a small space between the blade and the platform, and that is why it did not cut, it just bended the paper. Whether this is intentional or not I do not know. I do not need so much force on other guillotines I have worked with. But if that is what I need to do, then at least I know of something that works.
Update 2: I now have been working with it a bit more, and I have to say: Avoid buying this if you need something professional to work with. It is a fickle tool, and it still can cut like the pictures above show – even when I do everything right.