I am not really a knitter, although I have dabbled in it from time to time. It has just not been anything that could keep me interested for a longer period of time. This pandemic has changed that, to some extent. I now knit a bit every time I sit down in my sofa watching something from Netflix, HBO or any of the other channels/ sources I have for watching what used to be called TV. I have organized it so I have bags of knitting stuff there, and can easily choose which project I am working on. Not something very complicated though. I am knitting socks. The thing is , I had never knitted socks before. I was just too daunted by the whole process, because it looked so complicated and I was always too intimidated to even try.
Then I found a lovely yarn specifically made for use in thick socks, and the best of it was that the recipe for easy ones were on the band of the yarn! Now I could just read a manual, something I am very good at. My first pair of self-knitted socks were born. I am amazed at how easy it was and am kind of shameful because it has taken me this long to make a pair for the first time. So, now I have made another pair for myself and for my son. I have another in the works that might be too small for me. I hope someone I know will make use of them.
The other project in the knitting department is something I have no word for in English, although I am sure there is one. To tove – to tighten the wool fibers with the use of soap and water, so that the product shrinks and thickens. Often used in mittens and slippers. I found a recipe that offers a solution to do this in a washing machine, which simplifies the process. I am not even halfway on that project, but I have hopes I will be able to test this out soon. Or, perhaps this is best done during winter time.
Update: The english word I was looking for was – > felting:)