I have always made my own boxes and envelopes for my items to be shipped in. I love the idea that even the packaging of my jewelry is handmade. It is also practical, as it allows me to make boxes whenever I need, instead of tying up funds for something I might not need until very much later. For ear rings, the size of the envelopes are within the cheapest shipping solution here in Norway. Shipping is crazy expensive here in my country, so finding good alternatives is important.
However, I also like the idea that when you buy something rare and handmade, something that will last a very long while, you also get a sturdy box to store it in. So I recently checked the market for jewelry boxes where I also could get my logo printed on. Several smiths here in Norway suggested Westpack DK as a good place to order from. Good quality, stellar reputation, fast production, great products. I could buy a sample of what it would look like with my logo on, and it was amazingly cheap so I had to test it out. I was pleasantly surprised when I received the final product. They really wanted me as a customer, just look at all the stuff in this box.

The content was all sorts of packaging options, from bows to bags. Awesome! And then of course the main item – the jewelry box with my logo on.

I did not order so many, I need to see how they behave first. I will still ship ear rings and cheaper necklaces with my handmade envelopes, but for the more expensive items the new jewelry box will be used.
I need to take more pictures and add this box to each item it will be shipped with. I am currently working on a craft market, so it has to wait until I am done with that, but I am so happy and excited. It just looks and feels awesome!